Go over notes, texts, etc.
Know What Test Looks Like
Is it multiple choice? Essay? Short answer?
Process of Elimination
Eliminate answers that you KNOW are wrong to narrow down your choices.
Don't Leave Empty Bubbles
Guess if you need to.
This is particularly true on the ACT.
Pick a letter and use only that one. B or C are better on human-written tests.
Underline parts of the questions
Underline what the question asks you for or important details
Take Test Prep Course
e.g., Take the Aim4A Canton ACT course. Ms. Fayz has been living the ACT for three years and teaching test prep for five.
Read Directions!
Read the directions carefully. Note any time limits for the test.
FOCUS YOUR ATTENTION ON THE TEST. Ignore any distractions around you.
If all the questions carry the same points, do not spend too much time on any one question. If you don know the answer to any question, move on to the next one.
If there is no penalty for wrong answers, guess the answers to the questions that you do not know.
Double Check
Use all the time that you have been given. NEVER TURN IN YOUR ANSWER SHEET UNTIL THE TIME IS UP. If you are done with all the questions, GO BACK AND DOUBLE CHECK YOUR ANSWERS!

Prior To Test


During the Test

Get Rest
Eat well and get enough rest.


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