Recognition of Context Clues
Levels of Difficulty
Knowledge of the levels of difficulty in the sentence completion section.
Deductive Reasoning
Application of deductive reasoning & process of elimination.
Know the logical structure of the sentence completion questions
Use word roots, prefixes, and suffixes to find the meanings of words you do not know.
Sentence Completion Questions
One-Word Completions
Require you to fill in one blank. Questions based on levels of difficulty
Two-Word Completions
Require you to fill in two blanks. Depends not only on difficulty of vocabulary, but relationship between words in the sentence.
Level 1
allow you to rely on your instincts and common sense. Don't obsess with analysis or second-guessing
Level 2
Presents words that appear to be easy at first glance but may have second meanings. Be wary or following gut reactions.
Level 3
Contain "magnet words" to draw student away from correct answer. Intentionally designed to work against common sense.
Word Values
Is the word in the blank supposed to be positive (+) or negative (-)? Are the answers positive or negative? Write a + or - next to the answer choices.
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