vac empty evacuate – to empty a dangerous place; vacant – empty, not occupied; vacation – a time without work.
ven/t come circumvent – to go around or bypass restrictions; convention – a gathering or assembly of people with a common interest; intervene - to come between.
ver/I truth veracious – truthful, honest; veracity – the truth; verify – to make sure that something is true.
verb word verbalize – to put into words; adverb – a word relating to a verb; proverb – a short saying that expresses a well-known truth.
vers, vert turn reverse – to turn around; introvert – being turned towards the inside; version – a variation of an original; controversy – a conversation in which positions are turned against each other.
vice acting in place of, next in rank vice-president – the person next in rank to the president
vid see evident clearly seen
vince, vic conquer convince – to win someone over; invincible – not able to be conquered; victory – the conquest of an enemy.
vis, vid see vision – the ability to see; envision – to picture in the mind; evident – clearly visible.
viv/i vit live, life revival – the act of bringing back to life; vital – pertaining to live; vivacious – high-spirited and full of life.
voc/i voice, call advocate – to speak in favor of; equivocate – to use misleading language that could be interpreted two different ways; vocalize – to produce with your voice.
vol/i/u wish, will benevolent – showing good will and kindness; volition – the act of making a choice or decision, voluntary – resulting from your own free will.
vor, vour eat carnivorous – meat-eating; voracious – desiring or eating food in great quantities; devour – to eat quickly.
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