people get throat infection 2 -4 or 5 times year
lasts for 2 - 4 days and we take antibiotics
What wrong are we doing
drinking less water - when we drink less water throat dry and the bacterial and germs stick to throat and if we drink water it flushes them into stomach that fights, our mouth is dry also
during tavel they talk aloud because of sound of bus or party, as we talk air goes into through mouth. Throat strains and get infection

Food habits like sweets cold drinks choclates ice creams processed food sugar and checmical and fridge food, chilled effect will reduce fighting mechanism, reduces resistance

What should we do - fasting and rest
Antibiotic should be last resort.
Do the following:
wake up and drink warm water 1 liter.
stools excrete and 1 hour exercise and vepapulla to scrach throat and dont drink water for 1 hour
then drink 1 lliter 2nd round water
stools excrete again cleans intestines totally
rest If we rest body will produce antibodies that can fight against germs
MSR says dont use all these home remedies like pepper and milk turmeric etc etc. they dont help that much

warm water lemon juice and honey and slowly sip, then after hour drink just warm water
then warm water lemon juice and honey and slowly sip, then hour drink just warm water repeat the whole day
dont eat anything the whole day
warm compress
salt water gaugling also you dont need if you do fasting, salt water can cause scratching throat

2nd day fasting again. Fasting helps body to fight infection and reduce quickly

3rd day
lunch do eat hot stuff pulka curry or fruits

MSR says
Home remidies like pepper, millk turmeric etc dont really help
they temporarily relief pain but rest and fasting is the best way to fight infection so body can produce its own antibiotics
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