if people has months and years many times nose mucus regularly then they have sinusitis
you will find more with people who work in AC building sitting jobs without much strain
How is Sinusitis caused
Nose have on two sides bones on each check
this bones have holes that creats giguru
due to force of air it dries up and then body creates it again and so on
for sinusitis people production is more than drying up
people in AC buiding they produce more giguru but cool air does not totally dry up
so sinus holes have giguru more
who has more sinusitis
people who work less or work in AC buildings etc
heavy work people who breath in air forcebly dont have sinusitis
How does sinusitis occur
nose has bones on the two sides and bones holes has more jiguru and becomes thick and then get infected. when we breath in air bad germs get collected with this thick jiguru and get infected and becomes yellow and gets blocked an come out of the nose etc
over time resistance decreases and yellow rompa keep
for some people kulli poyina yeluka smell rotten smell gets. for them only way is surgery.
Once it is cleaned by surgery the body mechanism is still same so gets infected again.
so surgery and antibiotic is only temporary
rivers dry up but nose for some people keeps coming and do not go away
caused by
lack of exercise
eating cold stuff, ice creams, chocklates biscut
chemical effect produces histamine effect v
sides effects
eyes watery
infection causes allergies and so eyes burn and eyes watery
after 2 or 3 years they cannot smell anything
after few more years taste lost
hearing also gets lost over the years
then effect throat and they talk like bonguru
then effects brain cells eventually
Basic habbit is bad
There is no permanent solution and only surgery is temporary remedy. Some people have many surgeries and is always a problem.
1) drink warm water
1) drink warm water specially in the morning. Cold water will aggrivate
during summer afternoon can drink regular water
if you go out take water bottle that keeps water warm.

what to do
2) drink more water
2) people who drink less water, their body has more toxic waste and produces histamins that cause allergies
if you go to doctor for rompa so give antihistamins for patients.
water is natural antihistamin
drink 4 or 5 liters water. people think our nose is running and MSR wants us to drink more water

3) Lack of exercise
3) lack of exercise: morning atleast people who work should do exercises that rushes air into the nose like jogging, 1 hour run, close mouth and dont talk and breath in through nose forceably
if not elderly people walk swiftly or speed
surya namaskar fast, warming up exercise

4) Pranayamam
for sinusitis people dont do pranayamam as the blocked nose cannot help.
others have to do pranayamam (dhirgaswasala pranayamam) twice daily forcebly and deeply taking in air that helps not get sinusitis

5) avoid foods
5) avoid sugar sweets chocklates ice cream cold drink buscuits processed food jams as these produces more mucus
even if they avoid these foods some people still have they should avoid salt for mondi cases
cronic sinusitis if salt is reduced 100% these sevear sinusitis people will get relief
6) hot water vaporizer
take hot water vaporizer will break down some mucus
some people who have cold many times have sinus infection
working people in AC rooms etc are more prone to sinusitis
Cause: nose bones have holes that produce juice or juguru and as we breath in and out air it dries up and produces more and so on. For people who dont work hard or exercise or in AC rooms they the juice is produced but air does not dry the juice so remains and cause infection
hard working people dont have this problem at all as they breath heavily
what do people do Take antibiotic. For some people it is so bad rotten smell and then do surgery and repeatedly as it keeps coming back and resistance decreases. REMEDY:
  1. exercise
  2. drink warm water enough
    when toxins are more in body, body produces toxins or histamins if go to doc they give antihistamines. Water is natural antihistamine that removes toxins automatically
  3. jogging in the morning (close mouth and breath forcibly in through nose. If cannot jog walk fast and do this way.
    sinus people cannot do pranayamam as nose is blocked
  4. surya namaskar or warming exercise for 1 hour
  5. pranayam do only when nose is not blocked. Deep breathing is good dheerga shwasa prnayamam.
  6. avoid sugar, sweets biscuits processed food ice creams if still does not go for them also reduce salt
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