home remidies is good let the body work itself and if not then go to doctor
Migranes vs head aches
some people complain of migranes, there is a slight symptoms difference btw general headache and migranes
who complains of headaches
different causes
  • peoople who travel
  • tensions at work place that day get headache
  • weekly once or monthly twice get headaches and take medicines regularly
  • some people gets daily headaches
  • some people gets if not taken coffee or tea on time
headaches causes people
does not let us focus, do the work etc
headache and medicines
is seen in all ages
when headache we take table and carry on with life
these medicines are pain killers dont actually cure the root cause
so these people keep taking medicines all the time
why get headache - what body is saying
body has some problem inside so it reflects the strain as headach
we want relief so taking medicines or pain relief
pain still exists
example: In Ramayana hanuman as rayabari is told to kill but if you kill rayabari or noppi or pain and we dont know what the other party is saying
cause of the headache should be addressed
1) constipation: If we keep stools in intestines then there is tension so the control in the brain gets headach

2) indigestion have vomiting to reduce headache. complain of stomach pain

3) less water Intake less water strain the body. if have motion then body looses water and dehydrated and then there is no cooling machanism is there and body gets strained and causes headache.

4) coffee and tea
nerves get used to these stimulants and if we dont take on time for such people gets headache.

5) nose mucus or rompa or sinusitis air does not go properly to cell and strain

6) eyes strain and eye glasses lens does match and strain,

7)neck nervous pressing or mental stress also causes headache

8)tension cause blood dense cause pumping irregular and cells release bad harmones into blood that cause strain and headache
anger irritation and anxiety causes bad harmones in blood

What to do to reduce or not get headache
60 - 70% headaches can be reduced by homemade remedies
use homemade remedies first if does not go away then take medicines
1) Avoid constipation
1) avoid constipation:when get up drink 1 liter water and then exercise and then excrete and take 1 hour break without water and then drink 1 more liter water for second stools to empty intestines completely. or more constipation do enima
example: is you sit for same position long time then cause the nerves to strain.
2) drink more water
people who drink less water get headache
how to drink 4 - 5 liter water
3) Avoid coffee and tea
both coffee and tea are sisters and if drink everyday body gets addicted
For some people if stopped will get headache then body gets used to no coffee or tea
4) Head bath everyday
doing head bath opens the pores and cools head
it is wrong that head bath cause headaches
5) Indigestion
breakfast: foods bappaya danimma jama kamal
stop the sprouted beans for sometime then indigstion reduces start back sprouted beans
6) put feet in hot water
if still does not go away take homeo or allopathy medicines
put legs/foot in hot water put some water on head and relax for 15 to 20 minutes, then have shower
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