51 Kidneylalo raallu thaggalante emi cheyali
If kidney problem doctors add 5 - 6 liters of water
everyone should drink 5 liters of water every day - reduces or softens and removes via urine excess calcium oxilates or
myth: tomato palak mixing
2 main causes: lack of water, calcium tablets use more
dont drink water during lunch or dinner or with food though, that effects digestion. It will not help kindneys.
dont drink water at one shot in 1 hour 3 liters of water, the face becomes bloated and faint
REMEDY: morning get up at 4 AM drink 1 liter water stools, 1 hour gap do yoga exercise put mind to stools etc, drink 1 liter water gain put mind and 2nd stools, drink till half hour before lunch, during lunch no water, 2 hours after digestion no water and then drink water till half hour before dinner, during dinner no water, 2 hours after digestion some water otherwise have to get up at night to go to bathroom.
1st half day drinking water helps kindneys. 2nd half day drinking water works with helps temp control the skin, hot sun, balance & help the inside organs cell function etc.

Instead of calcium medicines eat nuvulu, green leafy veggies, tamalapakulu has no side effects
some people have centimeter size stones - drink water but also go to doc to remove them.

31 Santanaprapti Kalagalante
Causes of infertility
what are we doing wrong
female:periods irregular or ovary not releasing ova
men: sperms count low, if normal not reaching ova
main causes are:
nutritional difficiency

people are earning good and want to enjoy so eating all kinds of foods for kids processed food
ovaries needs protein food to release ova
for men sperm mobility increases also with good diet
life style change is the main help
45 Over Bleeding Thaggalante Emi Cheyali
period should be 4 -5 days for some people it will go to 10 -15 days and next period is after 2 or 3 months etc
First check with doc for fibroids or internal infection, harmonal imbalance - PCOS etc
REMEDY: If none of above causes then good nutrition is the only remedy
temporary releif: ice pack or bank matti cold put on empty stomach 15 mts
anemic people get scanty period for 10 days or so eat lot of green leafy veggies and totti snanam on non period days
exteeem cases: fasting for speed healing, 1 hour 1 glass of honey lemom water, next hour regular 1 glass water and alternate whole day.
Veditaggalante yemicheyali
people think that if we eat spicy food we get vedichesindi or sweets will make you feel cold etc that is not true
lack of enough water is only the cause
47 Pottanu kali vunchithe Pregu Pootalu Alasarlu Rava?
irregular food habits cause irregular hcl stomach acid production
eating or drinking tea coffee spicy food
remedy: drink water
44 keella noppulu thaggalante emi cheyali
with old age the reason for pain or water reduce in around bones is due to lack of exercise and eating salt-sodium Na is already there in food in certain quantity and is enough for body adding additional salt, goes and deposits everywhere in the body
we are not exercising and so salt cannot go out via sweat and so deposits around the bones and water collects and becomes sodium bicarbonate crystals
Salt has direct link to bone problems
cartilage or cushion btw the bones produces juices is produced that helps the bones to move easily and it produces perfectly if people exercise. If salt excess it form Sodiumbicarbonate crystals and water gets deposited so legs get swollen.
  1. take more calcium (highest calcium food nuvulum sesame seeds 1 ball/day)
  2. reduce salt or eliminate completely
  3. exercise
  4. natural diet (fresh fruits veggies,raw foods,sprouted food)
  5. people with kheelanoppulu dont do walking or climbing or folding asanas
  6. drink lot of water 4-5 liters/day
  7. pain killer - nuvulu nune oil message and hot water cloth compress
Rheumatoid arthritis is the mondi arthritis and needs steroids
saindrolam substitute for salt will also not help relieve this pain.
46 Kaallalo raktanalala vapu thaggalante emi cheyali
Vericose veins problem - swelling in leg nerves
found in obese people, people who sit for long or stand without movement for long time.
reason: blood pumps blood to different parts of body and the blood reached organ has to reach the heart back.
extreem case do surgery to remove and success rate is less
REMEDY: put pillow under legs at night for 5 - 6 hours sleep
asanam - sarvangasan, if overweight reduce weight, eat raw food - dinner at 6 with salad, zero salt diet, walking 2 times a day supplies blood to legs
41 Raktanni Shuddi cheyalante emi cheyali
men has 5 liters and women has 4 1/2 liters of blood in the body
blood transports impurities to 4 excretory organs co2,urine, stools, sweat
impurites in blood, fats, toxins, in blood are not cleaned by food(juices, honey, kajur etc). They make or create blood.
Blood is cleaned by only air and water
REMEDY: pranayamam, drink lot of water, eat raw foods veggies and fruits.
61 charma shudhi cheyalante Emicheyali
skin is the largest of 4 excretory organs intestines, urine, skin and lungs
people are not sweating due to AC rooms, makeups, perfumes etc
  1. drink lot of water,
  2. steam vaporizer, sauna or at home water steam,
  3. message body with oil so skin pores open and then do vaporizer that helps in blood rush the skin(usually skin is the outmost part so blood does not pump properly to this ares) and sweat removes 1 liter of sweat in 15 mts removes toxins.
60 Upavasam chesthe kandalu karigi pothaya
people think that upavasam will cause muscle to burn and not fat and is not good but that is not true
honey lemon water alternate hour with water fasting gives instant energy and helps glucose energy to the brain and helps body heal by stomach resting etc.
52 Dry Skin thaggalante emi cheyali
skin type is only one normal and there is no oil or dry skin
causes for dry skin: not enough water example tree in hot sun if watered well its leaves are fresh even in hot sun, hot water shower, soaps chemical effect, thyroid problem,
  1. drink lot of water
  2. cold water shower everyday and once a week with warm or hot water
  3. avoid soaps during shower and do(apply oil and wet cotton cloth wipe skin)
Healty skin can withstand cold hot and any temp
myth: eat oil to remove dry skin
if oily skin that means body has more salts in body
sweat is good without smell for people who dont eat oil or salts
4 Motimalu thaggalante emi cheyali
Puberty phase kids when get pimples on their soft skin are due to
  1. harmone effect of blocked sebaceous gland(sweat glands closed)
  2. waste fast food, oil, processessor foods
  3. constipation
  4. not enough water, so cleaning is not good as toxins accumulate inside
  1. drink lot of water (morning drink water,yoga exercise,stools,1 hr wait,drink water, 2nd stools. water goes into blood - cells - toxins released - urine, reduces constipation reduce (water,fiber,etc0
  2. skin glow resistance increases vit A vit C food, veg juice morning(carrot, tomato, keera, boodidigummad, strain + lemon juice + honey)
  3. face steaming: sauna outside or home face steaming(apply coconut+lemon oil message, hot water steam by putting blanket over for 15 mts steam purifies)
  4. also put banka matti or black soil dry in sun so germs die and then put water and soak. it becomes cold. after steaming apply banka matti to face for 25 mts so blood rushes to face and cells heals and take unnecessary wastes from blood.
dont pluck on pimple or it will leave hole and more infection
35 Malam Samasya
if todays stools excrete today evening or night or tommorow morning it is good. If excrete day after tommorow about 48 hours intestines absorb from stools(auto intoxications)and stools comes hard as banka.
excreting once will empty 1/3 of intestines not completely.
  1. pressure pushes stools to excrete via drinking lot of water,morning 1 liter water put mind, stools,1 hour no water yoga exercise etc, drink 1 liter water, put mind 2nd stools to empty completely
    putting mind is important for intestine nervous to relax and excrete.
  2. eat more fiber foods, dont eat rice
38 pikkala noppulu thaggalante emi cheyali
people feel fine at morning and then after afternnon evening have pikkal noppulu or nerves pain in the legs and ask family to press legs to relieve pain

Cause: B - complex deficiency
iron low - blood/hemoglobin reduce and lips and white.
calicum low bones density reduces
vit a - eye problem
doc gives b-complex injections or tablets. We use for sometime then again get problem. B vitamins are not fat soluble and are water soluble that is needed everyday,excess flushes off everyday.


  1. excellent food: mudibiyyam rice grain with skin has b complex and additional fiber etc. avoid processed food rice, rava, rice flour, seeds without skin,
  2. sprouted beans. Weighted people dont eat much mudibiyyam but eat sprouted beans
websource - B complex foods
  • niacin(peanut butter,beans,fortified grains)
  • B6(baked potato,enriched cereal, wholegrains, nuts)
  • Folate(broccoli,spinach,lettuce,orangejuice)
  • B12(eggs,soy,cereal)
  • Boiotin(cabbage,carrots,califlower,cucumber,raspberries, strawberries,tomatoes,nuts-almonds,walnuts
50 Low BP thaggalante emi cheyali
  • eating less or no salt causes low BP. Salt gives only temporary relief when people get low BP.
  • BP less than 120/80 is low BP - this is not true
    Popelw with 100/70 are normal
  1. dont drink enough water, low water water is needed for body to pump and brain does not get enough blood so they get fainted
  2. people who eat less food (niraharadikha, dieting, indigestion
  3. hormone imbalance
Good BP reading is 100/70, 110/70, 90/70, 90/68


  1. drink enough water
  2. eat mudibiyyam annam, sprouted beans in large quantity
  3. hormone balance eat fruits and veggies
12 Heart blocks thaggalante emi cheyali
When angiogram shows block nerves then bypass surgery is needed
Causes: cholesterol
  1. anti cholesterol diet(vegetrian diet-not meat food(butter, ghee, meat fish chicken)
  2. soluble fiber
  3. eat blood thinning food
  4. stress free life
  5. food shedule: see below
  6. less weight
  7. meditation
can eat peanuts, cashews and coconut that will not increase cholesterol. we know that aspirin helps but water also helps
sugar patients eat citrus fruits dont drink juices
food schedule: morning drink 1 liter water, stools, 1 hour no water yoga exercise,put mind 2nd stools,veg juice,sprouted beans breakfast(alphalenolic acid that is anti cholesterool), lunch can be cooked food(pulkas multigraint with lot of veggies less oil,curd)rest 1 hour, Keep drinking water, snack, dinner(no or less water), if at night hungry water with honey lemon.
30 Adika Baruvu Thaggalante Emi Cheyali
  1. eliminate eating rice eat pulkas instead
  2. dinner eat at 6 PM (eat less but with good nutrition is the key)
  3. good nutrition with fruits and sprouted food and exercise
  4. pranayamam and yoga asanas
19 Thyroid Grandhi Sariga Pani cheyalante Emi Cheyali
Thyroid gland in the neck area, tsh t3 t4 values hyper and hypothyroid
voice scrach, eyes bulge, face bulge,weight gain, constipation, tiredness, periods very little and late
  1. Nutritional difficiency: gland not working properly due to lack of enough protein, good nutrition metabolism slows down
  2. tensions
  3. lack of exercise
  4. lack of iodine is rare as most foods have small amount of iodine that is enough for body
  1. Good eating habits: raw food, drinking enough water, veg juice morning, sprouted beans, dinner at 6 PM
  2. exercise(mastyasan, ushtrasan, bhujangasan, yogamudrasan, sarvangasan
  3. eat protein that is sprouted beans lots of fresh veg and fuits, cheese for calciym
  4. pranayamam
  5. exercise jogging, cardio vascular
13 Thala Noppi Thaggalante Emi Cheyali
people get headache or migrain due to travel, work stress, lack of coffee tea on time etc and we take tablet and carry on with life activities. pain still exist but we cover with tablet that is not good as we are not diagnosing the right problem we are just curing the symptoms. Causes
  1. constipation
  2. indigestion
  3. less water intake
  4. coffee tea
  5. nose or mucus
  6. eyestrain
  7. nervous neck pressing
  8. mental streess - tension anxious harmones effect
  1. avoid constipation
  2. drinking water
  3. avoid coffee tea
  4. head bath everyday
  5. indigestion
  6. put fee in hot or warm water
7 Juttu Vudadam Thaggalante Emi Cheyali
hair is determined by family history like blacks have curly hair
white hair stopping is not possible and is due to family history only
3 types of hair loosing
  1. loosing 100 hairs and gaining 100 or so. Loosing 100 per day our hair still looks normal as we are also gaining 100 or so hair.
  2. loosing 100 gaining 40-50 so thin hair causes of hair loss
    1. family history is the main cause
    2. not good eating habits - nutrition
    3. dandruff due to not having head bath every day.
    4. dont put hot water directly on hair
    5. dont use shampoo - chemical effect instead use lemon
    6. eat protein food (hair is waste material and people who eat lot of protein food have lot of hair)
    1. protein food sprouted beans peanuts soaked in water, or fresh ones is very good or soak in water overnight and eat in the morning. soyabean has the highest protein soak in water overnight and put some in the food, green leafy veggies
    2. head bath everyday
    3. weekly once instead of shampoo use kunkudukaya
    4. oil is not compulsory(oil helps a little in preseving color etc and so apply oil at night and shower in the morning.
    key is eating enough of the nutritous food in right amount
1 Vikaram povalante emi cheyali
people feel vomiting sensation sometimes specially: travel via bus, climbing hill, morning after getting up, stress, after eating some food indigestion etc
Only vomiting will reduce this inconvenience. and vomiting will hapen only if it matures and only if vomit we feel comfortable.
REMEDY: 1)drink 1 liter to 1 1/2 liter water (doesnot matter if salt water or purified water as this water will come out anyway). Drink fast all the water and that will induce vomiting. 2)If still did not vomit put fingers on deep mouth tongue throat and rub to get vomiting.
2 Noti pootha thaggalante emi cheyali
small pundlu in mouth
causes mental tension, B complex deficiency (riboflavin deficiency)
  1. apply honey on the pundu to increase healing power.
  2. b-complex food, reduce polished white rice, brown rice(mudu biyyam mudu rava etc)
  3. tablets if we dont eat food
3 Balinatalu Palu Baga Pattalante
Balintalu get more milk if eat
  • Protein food or balamaina aharam
    breakfast: sprouted beans, soaked peanuts, pesarlu, senagalu, fruits
    lunch: brown rice(instead of polished rice) has b-complex
    lunch: green leafy veggies snack: fruits
first few days yellow milk is very important and nutrition for the baby.
5 Travel inconvinience - Prayanapu Badalika Taggalante Yemi cheyali
cause: due to lack of water
we drink less water otherwise we have to run to bathroom often
If you eat pulihora, salt snacks and dont drink water the person is dehydrated, if sit by window seat the wind also absorbs water and we are more dehydrated.
REMEDY:Instead of drinking lot of water at a time, drink or sip water slowly and continuously so the cells get water they need and you dont run to bathroom.
6 In digestion - Agernam Taggalante
Motions gingalu ginjala ravadam(stools are like balls) constipation causes person to not eat eventually causes tiredness or nirasam. REMEDY: drink water and walk yoga (MSR eating schedule and water drinking schedule)
8 Kaalla pagullu povalante emi cheyali
feet are hard and people dont wash the behind feet, so dust collect and get cracked feet
olden days dont have problem because they work in moist water so food are in water and soft
  • people who dont drink water
  • dry floors nowadays so no moisture for feet
  • weight people feet are hard and cracked
  1. use amudam or coconut oil to rub on feet,
  2. soak in warm or hot water 25 - 30 mts
  3. use stone to scrub on feet
9 Sinus problem - Sinusitis tagglane yemicheyali
some people who have cold many times have sinus infection
working people in AC rooms etc are more prone to sinusitis
Cause: nose bones have holes that produce juice or juguru and as we breath in and out air it dries up and produces more and so on. For people who dont work hard or exercise or in AC rooms they the juice is produced but air does not dry the juice so remains and cause infection
hard working people dont have this problem at all as they breath heavily
what do people do Take antibiotic. For some people it is so bad rotten smell and then do surgery and repeatedly as it keeps coming back and resistance decreases. REMEDY:
  1. exercise
  2. drink warm water enough
    when toxins are more in body, body produces toxins or histamins if go to doc they give antihistamines. Water is natural antihistamine that removes toxins automatically
  3. jogging in the morning (close mouth and breath forcibly in through nose. If cannot jog walk fast and do this way.
    sinus people cannot do pranayamam as nose is blocked
  4. surya namaskar or warming exercise for 1 hour
  5. pranayam do only when nose is not blocked. Deep breathing is good dheerga shwasa prnayamam.
  6. avoid sugar, sweets biscuits processed food ice creams if still does not go for them also reduce salt
14 Eating food - Tenetappudu Ruchi baga teliyalante
Put mind and eat
dont watch tv
dont talk
eat slowly so some digestion takes place
peaceful mind
39 Mukku Dibbada thaggalante emi cheyali
nasal drop temporarily give relief
  1. drink warm water
  2. jogging up and down or cycling skipping,speed surya namaksar any exercise that increases the air intake in through nose
  3. natural nasal drop - apply with little finger into nose
  4. vaporizer
  5. hot water shower
  6. avoid sweets, choclates, biscusts processed food specially at night
    curd dont eat at night
28 Gonthu Pattadam vekkillu Thaggalante Emi Cheyali
causeOur mouth is big but the food pipe is small. if we eat big size food it has to go through small pipe so get stuck and Gontu padutundi or gets hiccups
not true that water will remove the hiccups water just clears the food and lets it go into stomach
  1. check food properly: eat raw food. It is raw so we chew properly so mouth juices are released and goes easily through the food pipe
  2. people put water glass by the plate and MSR says that it is not good. Under emergency drink some water but Dont drink water during food. food has to be chewed properly and drink a few that is needed to digest. People put a glass of water to pour around the plate and pray god.
27 Baruvu Peragalante Emi Cheyali
very thin people dont have fat so dont look good, so plan to put some weight
  1. constipation - nulu purugulu, indigestion.
  2. mental tension so eat less focus on something else
  1. every day to help get hungry - avoid constipation,
  2. good eating habits that help the stomach to ask for food - exercise. morning drink water, stools, 1 hour no water - exercise yoga extercise, dring water 1 lliter and 2nd stools if not do enima, lunch (no water), after 2 hours drink water, snack, drink water, dinner
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