body organ cell

body is full of cells 125 trillion cells
cells group to form organ


cell is very minute and can be see only through microscope. cells together form organs and organs form body. 

body has lack crore cells 125 trillion cells.

fat cells
fat cells



fat cells are cells that store fat.

Is fat produced by body or is available when we eat.

body needs energy that is through food. Food gets digested to produce sugar.

body needs energy so we eat food. food digests and produce glucose or energy.

If we eat more than what is needed for the body it is stored as fat

Body needs enough food that is sufficient a for the day based on how much we work.

women who work or household chores they need 2000 calories and men needs 2500 calories.

women if they eat 2200 and burn only 2000 then more calories is converted to fat and stored in the body.

fat cells are special cells that store fat. These are like storage place, when if person does not eat  a day it is useful then.

fat is like oil particle even if we dont directly eat the food we eat is converted to it.. fat cells is like bank and its account is like fat cells and fixed deposit where we can withdraw. 

How much fat cells is good? 

fat cells number is determined when person is about 1 and 1/2 to 2 years. These number are fixed, they dont die. 

Some kids due to heriditary their fat cells division take place till 5 years. Kids or persons whos cells are low count they are slim and lean.


fat cells normal count

20 - 27 Billions (10 cores) is normal fat cell count.

75 - 300 billions(750 - 3000 crores) heriditary obesity fat cell count  these people have inherited and tend to put on weight

then how to loose weight, kids to 18 months who drink mothers milk have less fat cell count and lifelong have less fat count and are slim.

mothers milk is designed right amount for the kid, cows milk has more fat cells so kids tend to become fat. The nutritional content of (geda palu)  has more protein more fat mor energy more calcium more phosphorus more iron.  

Kids who drink mothers milk are thin have less fat count

kids who drink mothers milk for 18 months have less fat cells more resistance and have less fat cells so they stay slim throught out their life.

Kids who drink geda palu have more fat cells and their fat cells count increases and its number remain fixed throughout so they tend to be obese

when does fat cells increase

Generally fat cells count is fixed by the age of 1 and 1/2 to 2 years of kids age.

But when kids or anyone keep eating a lot or fat increases the fat cells fills up and size increases 3 times from  .6 to .9 microgram and cannot increases anymore and if we keep eating more. The cell divides and fat cells increases.

If person eats less and workout the fat in cells burn and reduce weight but cells count number remain same, so if they eat more again they put on weight.



fat cells in the body - under skin


 Fat cells are available in 3 places in the body

  1. Under the skin (big fat people that is why dont feel cold, think person feels cold easily) 
  2. each organ is covered with fat cells to protect. Organs in the chest are are covered with fat. If that person eats more fat it is stored around tummy.  
  3. bone marrow also has fat cells around it. fat cells are stored in different places for women and men.  For women they tend to put on weight in the back first, thights, shoulders, back, tummy. Men tend to put on weight in the tummy first,  

women tend to put weight back first and men front or tummy first that is due to harmones effect. 

fat cells are fixed count

fat cells are fixed if we eat less then its size reduces and if we eat more then their size increases. 

For person who abnormally increase fat in diet then their cells number grows. 

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