weight lose methods people are using

To loose weight people are trying different methods, because of their wrong habbits and in that process are getting more diseases

  • weight loss with machines
  • medicines
  • take fat away from body by operation and put clips at medical center

These kind of methods even though they might loose in the beginning they gain it back later

People are doing the following:

  • eating these: Like 2 idli and chutney, lunch 2 rotis and cup curry, snack apple or pomegrant, dinner carrot and keera dosakaya and drink yogurt 
  • and doing exercise

They are not getting enough nutrition for the body. By eating less they are depriving body of its nutrients.

Proteins are important that is not enough, Fiber is not even 20 g we need 40, iron is low, B complex does not exist. harmones become imbalance, period irregular muscle cramps, legs and hands hurt and in months you will see side effects.

Loose weight not this way but healthy way. By giving body nutritious food. There are certan foods to avoid and certain foods to take more.


1. eat veggies and green leafs - that are high nutrition yet low calorie content

Eat high nutritious food with low calorie content.


  • green leafy veggies and vegitables

green leafy have lot of fiber

1 kg dosakaya beera sora potlakaya cabbage benda tonda has only 150 - 200 calories

1 kg green leafy veggies also have 150 - 200 calories

1 puri deep fired has 150 calories

1 big cup coffee with whole milk has 200 calories

1 mysoor pak, 1 sweet also has 200 calories

puri vada coffe has not enough nutrition but high calories


2. eat lot of fruits as it has low calories yet high nutrition
  • eat lot of fruits

eat 2 or 3 guava only if no fruits available

eat 1/2 kg boppaya pandu only you will get full nutrition

karbuja eat 

  • fruit juice

coconut juice, sugar cane juice, has only 150 - 200 calories yet has lot of nutrients

honey eat only 1 or 2 spoons only

sour juices drink every day



3 sprouts - have low calories yet high nutrition content

dry seeds soaked and sprouted to root has low carbs and more protein content

seeds have good calorie content yet when they sprout has low calorie content and high content enzymes.

If you reduce proteins, body has harmone difficiency and irregular periods

eat 2 handfulls of different kinds of sprouts every day.


3 kinds of food to eat to reduce weight
  1. green leafy veggies and vegetables
  2. fruits and fruit juices
  3. sprouts
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