Puberty phase kids when get pimples on their soft skin are due to
  1. harmone effect of blocked sebaceous gland(sweat glands closed)
  2. waste fast food, oil, processessor foods
  3. constipation
  4. not enough water, so cleaning is not good as toxins accumulate inside
  1. drink lot of water (morning drink water,yoga exercise,stools,1 hr wait,drink water, 2nd stools. water goes into blood - cells - toxins released - urine, reduces constipation reduce (water,fiber,etc0
  2. skin glow resistance increases vit A vit C food, veg juice morning(carrot, tomato, keera, boodidigummad, strain + lemon juice + honey)
  3. face steaming: sauna outside or home face steaming(apply coconut+lemon oil message, hot water steam by putting blanket over for 15 mts steam purifies)
  4. also put banka matti or black soil dry in sun so germs die and then put water and soak. it becomes cold. after steaming apply banka matti to face for 25 mts so blood rushes to face and cells heals and take unnecessary wastes from blood.
What not to do
dont pluck on pimple or it will cause more infection and leave hole/scar permanently that does not go away at all
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