When angiogram shows block nerves then bypass surgery is needed
Causes: cholesterol
  1. anti cholesterol diet(vegetrian diet-not meat food(butter, ghee, meat fish chicken)
  2. soluble fiber
  3. eat blood thinning food
  4. stress free life
  5. food shedule: see below
  6. less weight
  7. meditation
can eat peanuts, cashews and coconut that will not increase cholesterol. we know that aspirin helps but water also helps
sugar patients eat citrus fruits dont drink juices
food schedule: morning drink 1 liter water, stools, 1 hour no water yoga exercise,put mind 2nd stools,veg juice,sprouted beans breakfast(alphalenolic acid that is anti cholesterool), lunch can be cooked food(pulkas multigraint with lot of veggies less oil,curd)rest 1 hour, Keep drinking water, snack, dinner(no or less water), if at night hungry water with honey lemon.
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