Peanuts and coconuts
People are not eating peanuts and coconut as they think they have cholesterol.
This is not true
peanuts and coconuts are good for the body
Meat Products
Only meat products (eggs, milk, butter, ghee, chicken, liver, icecream, fish, cheese, whole milk, fast foods) have cholesterol
Vegetarian or plant food
Vegetarian food dont have cholesterol
Body needs fat but not cholesterol. Body needs some cholesterol that we can get we need cholesterol for:
1)production of harmones
2) pythyarasam production
3) growing kids brains cells division and growth
liver produces enough cholesterol
liver produces enough cholesterol needed for the body. We dont need to eat from outside source.
Ginjalu has fat or kovvu but not cholesterol
Oil is direct kovvu and body produces cholesterol if taken.
Indirect sources like sprouted beans are the good source
fiber is anti fat and anti cholesterol
has b-complex and vitamins and minerals and vit E
that is available in peanuts
If we fry and take out skin then we loose some nutrients
Seeds or ginjalu vs oil
nuvulu taken directly is good has some cholesterol and fat etc
nuvulu oil has only cholesterol . few spoons of oil comes from a lot of nuvulu. We cannot eat nuvulu of that quantity oil .
Ginjalu does not produce cholesterol infact
ginjalu helps in reducing bad cholesterol
If people have cholesterol it is not due to peanuts or coconuts but eating other foods.
US conducted test on heart patients and gave them almonds 15 and 15 cashews and 15 walnuts and pista. Soaked and some ate raw and their bad cholesterol LDL reduced and increased HDL or good cholesterol. Another study group of people gave other foods that did not improve cholesterol.
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