seeds have energy in concentrated form.
water is needed for it to sprout
only when seed touches water the chemical changes happen
anything you eat should be chewed properly, so saliva enzyme that is amylase,
raw seeds chewed with amylage in saliva
If you eat raw seeds hard ones, we need to chew in the mouth with the help of mouth saliva amylage enzyme.
sprouted beans has amylaze
sprouted beans already has enzymes amylaze in free digested form so it is already converted into glucose and fructose and ready to be absorbed by the body
sprouted beans double the protein
2 egg has 13 grams of protein if cooked or uncooked
but sprouted beans the protein content increases or doubles
reaction with nitrogen and amino acid conversion.
sprouted beans has free digested form
easily digested
sprouted beans has lipase enzyme
has lipase enzyme
soaked beans absorb 8 times water and increases vitamins and minerals in large quantity and also form into freely digested form (easy to digested form)

olivosacarides are the enzymes that produces gas. when seeds sprout olivosacarides decreases
Na is also there in some quantity in sprouted beans that is enough for digestion
vit c also increases in greater quantity
minerals so increases in greater quantity

Example of how seeds have more proteins and less carbs increase phosphorous
Nutrients wheat seeds sprouted beans changes carbs 71.253.3 15% decrease Proteins 11.829.2 fat 1.57.4 energy 346397 calcium 4140 iron 5.36.0 minerals 1.53.5 fiber1.21.2 phosphorous 306846
cooking reduces nutrients but sprouted beans increases the energy

example: it is like buy one get one free. Seeds have nutrients but sprouted ones have double the nutrients.

american scientists study results for beans when sprouted increases
carbs 15% decrease
calcium 34% increase
potasiym 80% increase
sodium 690% increase
iron 40% increase
phosphoruous 56% increase
vita A 285% increase
B1 208% increase
B3 256% increase
vit c unlimited
seeds store energy in concentrated form and when sprouted its energy increases.
it is infreely digested form that is ready glucose that body can take.


Nutrients wheat seeds sprouted beans changes carbs 71.2 53.3 15% decrease Proteins 11.8 29.2 fat 1.5 7.4 energy 346 397 calcium 41 40 iron 5.3 6.0 minerals 1.5 3.5 fiber 1.2 1.2 phosphorous 306 846
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