  • women during mensus have 3 or 4 days heavy and are done
  • some have for 10 days
  • some has over the whole month
  • some have irregular periods
  • or gaddalu gaddalu due to fibroidsetc
olden days this problem was less compared to today
  • harmone imbalance
  • fibroids
  • infection in the uterus
  • heavy period: ice pack 10 - 15 mts temporary relief. blood rushes to the area and try to heal. do this on empty stomach
  • for people who dont have bleeding: is due to nutrition deficiency
    take lot of green leafy veggies, veggies and fruits
  • bleeding less for long time: totti snanam, plastic tub cold water, empty stomach, sit in it with legs out. This portion is cold so it helps in circulation in the area and tries to heal. 20 - 25 minutes each day and then shower. can do on the days of no period
  • bleeding for months without stopping: hour regular water alternate whole day, this helps healing fast. next day fruits juice fasting and water. Last resort medicines.
over weight can fill the whole tub without water. they need big tub as you need to sit in a tub with water.
harmone imbalance
To balance harmones do:
  • 50 - 60% raw food
  • veg juice
  • dinner only fruits
overbleeding tiredness - instant energy
honey: put some in hand and eat it gives instant energy
uncontrolled bleeding
last resort - surgery, operation, emergency
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