drink lot of water
why do we need to drink lot of water?
It is for body to go to urine so excrete toxins and clean the body.
why people are urinating less
we are urinating few times only and little only and women control for long and during travel and working people in AC etc are urinating thick yellow pain and smelly is due to less water intake.
How should urine look like
urine should be white color to eye. if you look in microscope it is lite yellow color but for eye it is clear
body excretes toxins and wastes via urine, sweat and kidneys
body excretes via urine and body sweat
kidney cleans blood 5 liters of blood once in an hour and sends bad toxins out
we are eating salt a lot and if you store the salt it is not good for the body
If a person drinks 2 liters of water then if he goes to urine about 1 1/2 liters he will not loose any electrolytes so we dont have to worry.
drink lot of water and urinate is good for the body. Electrolyest dont get flushed away if we go to urine more.
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