Eating all the above over years together body reduces its resistance. WBC needs good nutrition to be strong and so we need to provide body with good nutrition.
people in olden days were not as much sick as now. Only if they go sick with motions then go to doctor.
they ate dinner before 6 PM
If you take antibiotic then our bodys defence sleeps and does not exercise and gets low resistance.
Example: Police job needs certain specification to join so people maintain their body fit. Millitry people are even strict with blood test: should have no BP eye problem etc. Police gets selected and do the job and keep in shape. Only when there is war then militry people go to war to fight. so other time they maintain their body by exercising eating good food walking 10 KM etc.
Everytime a person change environment they fall sick, if they go out of town or if they change eating habits they fall sick
If even after fasting and resting body cannot fight infection then definitely should go to doctor or take antibiotic.
First give body a chance to fight and then if not take antibiotic.
Dont just take powerful antibiotics for small infections or common cold etc, that reduces resistance power of the body