Cell Functon and Rakshaka Dalalu

If we live properly with good food and good nutrition then cells can perform properly.

Free Radicals obstuct cell mechanism so we need anti oxidents

free radicals are produced in the body that obstructs or disturbs cells normal function. Body produces free radicals.

Body takes oxygen, two oxygens share 1 electron. If there is single oxygen o by itself then it is called free radical that disturbt cell sythesis or mechnism

antioxidents help neutralise the free radicals.

If body gets infected then free radicals are main reason so body needs more antioxidents so it can neutralise.


Smoking or people who eat deep fried foods have lot of free radicals in the body


Body does produce anti oxidents daily. For people who smoke or eat lot of deep fried food they have lot of free radicals so body does not have enough antioxidents in the body.

 people who have less nutritious food puri baggi samosa etc need more anti oxidents 

Fruits and juices have lot of antioxidents

So when people get sick doc ask to take fruits and fruit juices coconut juice etc, have anti oxidents that neutralise free radicals 

Minerals need to get antioxidents in the body
  • vit c helps body reduces 
  • beta carotine or vit A
  • vit E
  • zinc
  • copper
  • selenium
  • licopine - found in tomato skin
  • flavoniods

These are found in fresh foods. Eat lot of fruits. Spending money in buying good fresh foods is better than any other spending  

Vitamin C

Vitamin C: 

  • getst killed when cooked nd found in sour foods
  • foods that has vit c : amla,  lemon, orange, battai, naringa

put lemon in curries, drink orange juice every day, dry amla and cut to pieces and chew everyday to get vitamin c

Vitamin A
  • beta carotene found in carrots 
  • green leafy veggies
  • munagaku
  • karevepaku curry leaves


Vitamin E
  • found abundance in sprouted beans
  • ghee has vit e but also has cholesterol so avoid
  • almonds, cashews, coconut, peanuts



Olden days people used to drink water from copper tins.

Ragin nanalu are put in water or pond or river. So that if people shower in that water it is good for health. 


sprouted beans have zinc


tomato skin has licopine. 

people say drink tomato juice everyday to avoid getting cancer.

free radicals causes cancer.

fluvonids and selenoids

bodies needs very less or tiny amount of this nutrient so if you eat sprouts that should be sufficient


free radicals are cause of many diseases

body produces some anti oxidents but we can eat anti oxident foods as well

free radicals are the cause of cancer

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