diabetics is a metabolic disorder. people who dont have good lifestyle get diabetis
If jeevana vidhanam is not good or life style not good people are getting diabetics
sugar specialists say drink tea without sugar, eat food without sweet, eat more curry and walk a bit. These are good but this will only control sugar.
If you dont do exericise dont control food habits then medicines also dont work
Here the food habits discussed will be effective for the body, so it might be good for body not for tongue.
dont suddenly stop medicines
Morning get up and drink 1 liter of water
go to stools and excret
1 hour walking compulsory or asanalu or pranayamam
drinnk 1 liter or 1 and 1/4 liter water
put mind and walk 5 minutes for second stools
7 or 8 AM drink vegitable juice dont take tea or coffee (potla sora beera tomota keera carrot some grind and take away coarse part + 1 or 1 and 1/2 honey and lemon juice) has micronutrients and soluble fiber. for sugar patients reduces trilycerides and cholesterol
after 1 hour eat sprouts pesarlu alasandhalu chenagalu sojjalu chanagalu + danimma + green chillies kotmir tomato lemon juice or mamidi turumu. Eat a lot this will not increase sugar but produces or helps pancrease produce more insulin) sugar patients dont eat dates.
after eatin sprouts 2 hours later drink 1 liter 1 glass at a time 5 minutes apart water (this is good for digestion)
1 PM lunch pulka is good for sugar patients. Dont eat rice, eat wheat flour pulka or mixed flour pulka. Eat rice only as prasadam only. eat one green leafy vegies and curry eat lot about 1 kg. If you eat this way without salt and oil then you can reduce medicines. dont drink water durin lunch
after 2 hours lunch drink water 1 glass at a time till 4 PM
5 PM eat fruit: danimma battai rekkayalu
dinner eat 3 or 4 pulkas at night and maggiga (dont take perugu)