in normal joint healthy cartilage, lubricated by synovial fluid cushions the bones and allows them to move freely
cartilage is pillow like material
synovial fluid, synovial membrane joint capsule
The synovial fluid helps smooth movement and cartilage helps cusion the bones during movement
if synovial fluid reduces it creates breaks in the cartilage, some times break small pieces and makes sounds while walking
example: its like tire has air in it and as it reduces the tire becomes loose and then causes damage
synovial fluid leaks into cracks which can form in the bones surface when this replacement cartilage wears away. This causes further damage and in some cases leads to cysts in the bone.
If not treated damage can progress to the point where teh bones in the joint become seriously and permanently deformed
when cartilage gets damaged body tries to produce more lubricants from synovial membrane and then causes pressure in the joints and swelling.
There is pain because of the bones touching each other and also the lot of lubrication. Doctors says neelu nidinaya so take injection to remove the excess fluid.
when you eat hot stuff in mouth it produces more saliva to neutralize it
we take pain killers to help with pain and then continue to do work. It is only reducing pain but not the bottom cause. If you continue to do more work it will create more damage
if you put a water binde on head you put a coushin like cloth roll to hold the water binde
whatever the weight might be if the cartilage is good it puts no pressure on the bones
If you are overweight put more pressure on the bones and cartilage and joints gets affected
Slowly all the joints in the body gets damaged
even hands gets joints swelling and starts to bend otherwise
people do surgery and put artificial cartilage
if you eat and sit then there is damage
change living habits
medicines only relieve for some time not permanent cause
drink lots of water helps in making cartilage synovial flulid
dont eat lot of salt