
  • Positions of electrons in relation to the nucleus is described by quantum numbers.
  • The Periodic Table Review

  • Identity of an atom is determined by the # of protons in nucleus.
  • Isotopes - atoms of an element with different numbers of neutrons. Molar mass given on periodic table is weighted by their percent abundance
  • Principles and Rules
    Aufbau principle
    When building up the electron configuration of an atom, electrons are placed in orbitals, subshells, and shells in order of increasing energy.
    Pauli Exclusion principle
    Within an atom, no two electrons can have the same set of quantum numbers. (regards spin)
    Hunds Rule
    When an electron is added to a subshell, it will always occupy an empty orbital if one is available. Electrons will always occupy orbitals singly if possibly and pair up only if no orbitals are available.
    The energy of electrons is quantized (electrons can only exist at specific energy levels separated by specific intervals).
  • E = hv
  • c = vλ
  • where E = energy change, h = Planck's constant, v = frequency, λ = wavelength, c = speed of light
  • Names and Theories

  • Dalton - 1) many different kinds of atoms, called elements. 2) elements combine to form compounds 3) compounsd always contain the same ratios of elements.
  • Thomson - cathode experiment (atoms are comprised of positive and negative charges
  • Millikans Experiment - plum pudding model of atom
  • Rutherfords Experiment - gold foil (most of atom is empty space!)
  • Bohr model - using quantum theory, electrons orbit nucleus at fixed radii.
  • Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle - cannot know position and momentum of electron at the same particular instant
  • de Broglie hypothesis: all matter exhibits wave characteristics λ = h/mv
  • Exam Review 1

    Atomic Structure and Periodic Table
    Quantum Numbers
    4 of them:
  • Shell - to describe size of orbital
  • Subshell - to describe shape of orbital
  • Orbital - to describe orientation of electron orbital
  • Spin
  • More info
  • Periodic Trends
    The following increase as you go:
  • Atomic Radius: right to left, top to bottom
  • Ionization Energy: right to left, bottom to top
  • Electron Affinity: left to right
  • Electronegativity: left to right, bottom to top
  • Diamagnetsm and Paramagnetism
    D - elements that have all electrons spin paired. All of their subshells are completed. P - do not have all their electrons spin paired. Strongly affected by magnetic fields.
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