Synchronization patterns 
Handout 06 and all examples in /usr/class/cs110/lecture-examples/threads-cpp 
open, read, write, close, stat, lstat
- stat/lstat - get information about a specific file/directory (ex. see here)
opendir (ex how to iterate through directory) 
- open(pathname, permissions, mode), returns an FD.  Permissions/flags: O_RDONLY, O_WRONLY, O_RDWR, O_CREAT, O_EXCL. 
- After calling read, an internal iterator is incremented so next time you call read, you read next data
- write(fd, buffer, bytesToWrite) may not always write bytesToWrite (keep trying in a while loop)
- dup2(curfd, newfd) sets newfd to the curfd 
Basic concepts of layering and naming in computer systems
Like inodes and the different layers of the file system
  • UNIX v6 file system concepts, data structures, and layers 
  • Assignment 1 and 2 
fork, waitpid, all of the other various status macros, execvp, signal, signal handlers, signal blocking and unclocking, kill, process ids, and process groups  
- fork() - returns the processid of forked process to parent, and returns 0 to the child process. 
- waitpid(pid, int *status, flags) - flags are . Status macros interpret status 
Various inter-process concurrency issues
Single code base controlling multiple processes 
pthread_create and pthread_join
Race conditions and critical regions
How to identify them?
C++11 thread class
How to instantiate one, how to use join method 
mutex, condition_variable, lock_guard, unique_lock 
  • How the semaphore combines all of these
  • How to use mutexes and semaphores to protect against race conditions, protect against senseless busy waiting, deadlock, and minimize processesor time wasted by a thread unable to do meaningful work 
Client-server model
Discussed in lecture and the reading from the second (online) textbook 
gethostbyname and gethostbyname_r 
Also know the various data structures associated with it 
KNow the family of socket address records 
Socket APIs
socket, bind, connect, listen, accept  
All examples presented in lecture
(popen and pclose)
Structure of HTTP request
Assignment 6 
MapReduce programing model
Assignment 7 
Filesystem Stuff 
Forking in C
Threading in C++
File descriptors
  • Lightweight (no fuss of data structures or objects), more useful over network connections since all you have are two functions read/write
  • BUT only have those two functions 
Main Idea
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