How do we have an unfair advantage?
  • Rehan: National debator in Pakistan. Required heavy preperation prior to debate. Had to become a very detailed note taker.
  • Narjiss: Tutorial service in Moroocco. Students were poor in note taking; saw the need and passionate about solving this
  • Ajay: APUSH
  • Use case
    Take as a society, teacher, parent, student perspective
  • My son is an AP US History, he is
  • I want them to pass with a good grade
  • Notes are lousy; unorganized and illogical
  • Parents and teachers alike want student to take better and more engaging notes
  • Target audience
    Parent teaacher pricnipal
    How Myndbook different from the competition?
  • 2x2 matrix on competition
  • Myndbook features/benefits: Bubbl.us vs mind miester vs Powerpoint vs Word vs Evernote
  • Problem
    Youth not performing as well as they should be. And its an issue American education system sucks, problem for th enation. Kids arent learning, so cant contribue in a way thats productive.

    Value Proposition

  • A more efficient way to learn to get better grades.
  • Vs. Khan Academy: Dont actually help you learn; just presents in diff ways
  • Business Model
    Free to paid: HOW??? This is huge. How are they gonna pay, what are they going to pay for? Compare to Everntoe possibly.
    Before getting Angel funding
    Better product/market fit and use case understanding.
    Three tasks
    Business model and business case. Survey. Presentation itself and slides layout.
    Proclivity to Pay
    High medium low
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