like "x#" Then it pretends the char never existed. Works as expected if char wasn't there in the first place. But runs into other errors
File Format
(text in end) - extendable
#sdfsdf# #sdfs
Correctly finds error
(end with # but odd #)
#sdfsdf# #
Doesn't handle letters in the beginning properly
Incorrectly Keeps going
(odd #)
(IDK) 0 read
started = true. 1 Read char. 2 if(char! #) increment (bc could be a space, enter, etc - BUT ONLY ONE) started = true 3 if (started = true) lookForLast#, then store all, started = false, and go to 1.
After reading first character...
If #, then store If !#, then ignore Then advance.
Once first # is found, it keeps going until final # is found.
Tricked into thinking # is found. Checks, then increments, and looks again to make sure. If # then continue! Else throw problem.
Supports this hypothesis
f#thiss# AND z#yr#d#a# (produces ayr)
Program sees "x#" as just #
ONLY for the beginning of a # though...
Ending in char (looking for #)
Ending in char (looking for #)
If there is some text after what program thinks is a finished #, ALWAYS infinite loop?