Ray Ban
Uncover points or implications that are not immediately obvious to casual reader or reviewer.
  • Understanding the argument of a given text
  • Analyzing how that argument works
  • Generating an insightful critical argument of your own
  • Initial Thoughts
  • Smoke in the backgound, blurred figures in front. in contrast with two people making out.
  • Everybody has their mouth open - indicating anger, uncertainty,
  • Wearing both blue and brown, indicating their combination of both order and disorder (or neither)
  • Only one girl in the photo - and she is in the middle of the photo.
  • All guys have long hair
  • asdfadf
  • Ikea
  • Ikea wants to seem very family oriented and is trying to show that Ikea understands that not every family is perfect
  • Thus, they are trying to tell you to buy ikea products to be imperfect and unboring
  • Video is very badly taken
  • Supposed to be very family feeling
  • White walls, but good colors with furniture
  • Blame being passed around, not focused on girl. Irrational family. Ironic, because theyre saying irrational families buy ikea furniture, and then says they like it. The two moved away from the daughter. Implying that they enjoy the drama - *feels good*
  • Worker wearing yellow - the customers walking by have huge yellow bag. Suggesting that lots of people are buying from Ikea and that you should also buy.
  • no background music at all, until the ikea guy says SO! then camera becomes all professional everybody is surprised for a split second and the shift becomes to ikea and not the family.
  • Both are wearing suits, seem like business people, so no financial probs. Fam issues only. Dad and mom seemed pissed before even the ad started. Probably not very happy the way they raised the daughter.
  • More thoughts
  • Juicy story, so keeps things interesting. Makes you wanting more, so not boring
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