RBA Proposal
Why research clicktivism? 
  • Provide insight 
Why people watch videos?
What catches peoples' attention? 

And is this related to the cause or just the way it was presented? (How deep is ppl's interest)
Can internet movements successful?  
- Investigate examples
- Try to find common features of successful internet movements OR unsuccessful ones
- Through this investigation, I hope to identify other factors 
Do internet movements pose challenges that "real" activism simply cannot face? 
- Why are so many people willing to be clicktivists and not 
- What type of person takes part in "clicktivism" vs what type of person takes part in activsm? How does this option affect the movement as a whole? (AKA since it is so easy to be a clicktivist, does this encourage passive actions)
- Can people be both?  Or do most people settle for clicktivism, and does that negatively impact the movement (AKA is clicktivism = laziness?)
Kony 2012
Is this a successful internet movement?  
Why did this become so popular?  
Did this impact 

Did the Kony 2012 video promote mere “slacktivism” or “clicktivism”? Or did it actually stimulate awareness and real change?  

Does "clicktivism" trivialize activism?  Or can it actually catalyze and mobilize real protests and revolts? 

In order to be able to categorize this movement, I will be gathering primary and secondary research, as well as interviewing a scholar in the field as my field research. 
Evgeny Morozov 
Field research - a scholar at Stanford who has been the most persistent of digital evangelism’s critics (according to Gladwell) 
Interview people
To see how strongly they feel regarding certain movements (prove that there's a different person who 
Malcolm Gladwell's Small Change
Why clicktivism won't be effective  
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