Second Lecture


Cell that releases neurotransmitters to send messages.
Neurons: to collect process and send information.
What is it made of?
77% Water, 11% fat, 8% protein, 4% salt
18th century: Cell theory
19th century: Cut the tissue in thin sections, developed a stain that only stained only a small fraction of the cells - nervous system is connected, composed of separate units.
  • Brain cells migrade individually during development
  • Brain and Mind
    Is related and is attempted to be measured by various methods and machines.
    What is it made of?
  • Input and Integration zone (dendritis and cell body): where information is integrated
  • Site of spike initiation: decision is made
  • Axion: the information is passed on.
  • Synapsis: where neurotransmitters released (DRUGS mess w neurotransmitters)
  • Function/Structure
    3 kinds:
  • Sensory or input neurons
  • Interneurons
  • Motor/output neurons

  • Natural selection: each neuron can be slightly different and have diff shapes/sizes
    What a neuron looks like
    Neuronal function
  • Owe our knowledge to the squid: allowed electrical recording.
  • Placing an electrode near a cell allows you to -eavesdrop- on its activity.
  • Recording of action potentials
  • Properties
  • Always ready to send action potential
  • Action pot. travels w/o attenuation
  • Signals travel in only one direction
  • Action potentials
    Charge and quantity of ions are changed, causing a net positive/negative inside/outside the neuron
  • K+ is responsible for the resting potential. (increasing K+ outside cell = assisted suicide)
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