Action potentials
Patch clamp recording
Allows recording from individual channels - allowed recording of voltages across membrane.
Action potential general info
Identical action potentials are sent across neurons
  • Brief; pass down ther axon due to local changes in membrane permeability
  • Caused by ion channels in membrane
  • Two types of synapses
  • Excitatory synapse - allows Na+ in.
  • Inhibitory synapse - lets K+ out.
  • Structure
    Hodgkin and Huxley
    Measured membrane permeability changes during an action potential.
    Ligand and voltage gated channel
  • Ligand - activator binds to it to open it. In cell body.
  • Voltage - respond to change in voltage. In the axon.
  • Axon Voltage Gated Channels
  • Na+ channels open, Na+ enters cell
  • K+ channels open, K+ begins to leave cell
  • K+ leaves to much and undershoots, then returns to normal
  • All channels have ion specificity (Na, K, Ca, etc) and control specifity (voltage, ligand, etc)
  • Order of occurrence
    Acton potential causes vesicles
    Which fuse with the membrane and release their contents across the
    Historical view
    Mylen sheath
    Required; speeds up the action potential
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