Stiumlates acetylcholine receptors, which causes an increase in dopamine; enhances reward.

Stimulant Drugs

  • Increase excitement, alertness, activity, mood.
  • Ex. Amphetamine, cocaine: block reuptake of dopamine.
  • Nucleus Accumbens
    The nucleus accumbens: wanting/liking. Activated by dopamine or norepinephrine.


    Drug Mechanisms

  • Antagonist: drug that blocks neurotransmitter
  • Agonist: drug that mimics/increases effect of NT
  • Drug has an affinity for a receptor if it binds to it (like a key in a lock)
  • Opiates
    Includes morphine, heroin, and methadone.

    Hallucinogenic Drugs

    Drugs that distort perception. Releases serotonin.
    Also increases dopamine levels.
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