Lesion method
Damage a structure in the brain, and see what happens as a result.

Research Methods

Measuring Activity

Used to measure electrical activity - measures electrical potentials on scalp. You just put on a helmet thingy. Very high temporal resolution - but very low spatial resolution (limited to neurons close to scalp and same orientation).
Uses X-Rays to provide good spacial resolution on brain structure, but gives no insight on brain activity.
  • Measures neuronal activity by measuring blood oxygenation
  • High spatial resolution, low temporal resolution (signal peaks after 4-6 secs)
  • Non-invasive, but expensive
  • PET
    Same as fMRI, except more invasive (radioactive tracers injected).
  • fMRI much better..
  • TMS
    Temporarily excite or inhibit groups groups of neurons close to scalp.
  • But unclear how it works and can cause epileptic seizures
  • Balance:
    Spacial (image quality) vs. temporal (time of occurence) resolution
    Single Neuron electrophysiology
  • Very high temporal and spatial resolution
  • However, requires you to insert electrodes on brain - very invasive and rarely possible
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