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Neuroscience - How the Brain Works
Lecture 13
Lecture 12
How Growth Cone moves: Labeled pathway hypothesis
Chemical cues. Respond to attractive/repulsive molecules.
Cell surface receptors - cues in the environment, tell neuron where to go (changes internal skeleton): attractive molecules
Cell surface receptors: repulsive molecules
Layout pathway hypothesis
Layout of attractive and repulsive molecules in brain and body forms a labeled pathway that growth cones will follow.
Axon Development
Test for labeled hypothesis
Adding a third eye anywhere in the head - growth of axons to the correct location.
Guided by diffusible chemoatractants that form a concentration gradient to attract growing axons.
So what do mammals use?
BOTH: chemoattractants AND labeled pathways; in spinal cord:
Initial part - chemoattractants grow axons from commissural interneurons to floor plates.
After midline, axons turn and join bundle
Formation of specfiic connections during neural development.
Origin of neurons,axon pathfinding
Refinement of synaptic connecections
Refinement of synaptic connections
Upon Arrival
When motor axons arrive at their targets, they form far too many synapses
Ex. muscle fibers; they go thru process of synapsis elimination
Hebbs Rule
If a cell a is successful in getting a target cell b to fire, then the connection is strengthened, and vise versa.
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