malfunction of interpersonal relationships. Avolition: ceases to work toward personal goals or function independently.
Alogia: poverty of speech, reduciton in amount of speech.
inability to experience pleasure
Thinking Disturbances
disorganized speech: patients say things that dont make sense. = thought disorder.
Loose Associations/Derailment: shifting topics too abruptly.
Preservation: repeating same word over.
tangentiality: irrelevant response to question.
either positve or negative
Delusional Beliefs
beliefs that are rigidly held in spiteo f their preposterous nature.
sensory experiences that are not caused by actual external stimuli
Positive Symptoms
presence of aberrant response.
Blunted Affected
affective flattening, fail to exhibit signso f emotion or feeling.
Negative Symptoms
functions or responses that appear to be missing from the persons behavior
Bizarre Behavior
unusual motor behavior.
immobility and marked muscular rigidity. OR excitement and over activity.