What are the major assets of the organization? What social, physical, or human capital does it have
What are the measurable objectives the organization aims to reach within a specified time frame? 
And what is its growth plan?
Delivering value
What is the care delivery value chain of the organization?  (What is the process through which the organization delivers value to patients?) Does it take the unique country context into consideration? How does it do this?
Leveraging what already exists
What shared delivery infrastructure does the organization leverage? What physical, IT, organizational infrastructure does it make use of to deliver value to the patient? Is there more it can do on this front and specific partnerships it should build?
What is the current and future financing strategy of the organization? Is it sustainable? IIf not, what can it leverage to ensure sustainability of its operations?
A learning organization?
How is the organization developing capacity to learn and respond to feedback from the system? Does it have a research arm or management capacity to incorporate its lessons into improving the efficiency of its activities? Is it generating its own evidence base/documenting its work?
Are its activities arranged and organized well? Are they linked properly?
Human resources
How is the organization developing/investing its it current and future human resources?
What are the management systems in place for performance management?
Use case
Tell us about he use case/patient experience
What is the mission of the organization? What impact has it had in service of its mission? How is impact being measured? Is this process transparent of rigrous?
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