Definition: An instrument that registers or graphically records time intervals such as the duration of an event.
Definition: Greek god of time.
Definition: Of long duration; continuing; habitual
Definition: A record or narrative description of past events; a historical record.
Definition: An exceptionally precise timepiece; an accurate clock.
Definition: Arranged in order of time of occurrence
Example Sentence
My mother arranged my school pictures in chronological order, showing how I changed over the years.
Example Sentence
Please note that the list is not in order of preference, but simply chronological order.
Example Sentence
Chronos is a Greek god who was also known as Father Time.
Example Sentence

The elderly woman suffered from the chronic osteoporosis.

Example Sentence
The chronic earthquakes in some areas limit the types of structures that can be safely built.
Example Sentence
A chronograph might be used while timing races during Olympic events.
Example Sentence
The teacher remarked to his student, who was always late, I am going to buy you a chronometer so you will make it to class on time.
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One survivor of the devastating hurricane said, they will write chronicles of this event.
Example Sentence
The traveler chronicled all of her journeys into a travel blog.
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