Jefferson Democracy vs Jacksonian Democracy

Jeffersonian Democracy

Jacksonian Democracy

Jefferson Beliefs
  • feared strong central gov.
  • believed property requirement for voting was a test of character 
  • believed educated elite should rule, but proposed education for all to prepare the poorer individuals for public office
  • presidential candidates were chosed by a meeting of party leaders
  • chosen class was the yoeman farmers
  • feared the consequences of industrialization
  • corporate charters were granted to favorites of state legislation and often implied monopoly rights to a business
  • originally disagreed with loose interpretation of the elastic clause
  • owned slaves, saw them as an evil that time would remove
  • republican womanhood, didn't see women or American Indians as equal to men
  • believed education was necessary to hold office and for preparing citizens for participation in a democracy
  • believed education and ambition were keys to success
  • agreed with religious reform
Jackson Beliefs
  • eliminated property requirements for voting
  • believed all men were quialified to hold office and that political positions should be rotated, spoils system
  • chose presidential candidates through nominating campaigns
  • chosen class was yoeman farmers, planters, laborers, and mechanics
  • believed industrialization was essential to the progression of American industry
  • Believed corporate charters should be available to all who chose to risk starting a buisiness
  • Believed the bank was a monopoly of the rich, hated it
  • owned slaves and had little intereest in abolishment
  • didn't see women or American Indians as equals to men
  • EXTERMELY negative attitude against American Indians
  • believed education was reletively unimportant
  • ended bank and control over credit
  • believed economic progresds came from social mobility
  • disagreed with religious reform
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