Non-Intercourse Act
  • Opened trade to all nation except France and Britain
  • expired in 1810


Macons Bill No. 2
  • Gave the president power to prohibit trade with any nation that violated our neutrality


George Washington 

Political Parties


  • Hamilton
  • favored strong central gov.
  • believed Constitution had "implied powers"
  • loose interpretation of the Constitution
  • supported by buisiness and finiacial groups of Northeast and port cities of South
  • Federalist Papers


  • Jefferson and Madison
  • stricts interpretation of the Constituition
  • opposed National Bank
  • supported by rural and frotneir areas of South and West
  • we should not use/support political parties b/c they will divide the nation
  • we should stay out of European affairs
James Madison
  1. Secretary of State: Thomas Jefferon
  2. Secretary of Treasury: Alexander Hamilton
  3. Secretary of War: Henry Knox
  4. Attorney General: Edmund Randolf
The French Revolution
  • Issued a Neutrality Proclamation
  • Citizen Garnet violated it by trying to encourage popular support for France


John Adams

Pinckney's Treaty
  • Spanish opened the Mississippi River to American traffic
  • right to deposit in the port city of new Orleans
  • recognized the 31st parallel as the Northern Boundary of Florida
The Whiskey Rebellion
  • Fronteri farmers, angry over the excise tax on whiskey, attacked tav collectors
  • Washington sent out troops to quell rebellion
The XYZ Affair
  • A 3-person delegation was sent to France to persuade the French to stop harassing American shipping
  • 3 subordinates of the French Minister Tallyrand asked for a bribe from the American agents but they refused
  • America was outraged, "millions for defense, but not one cent for tribute"
  • since French officials were unnamed, incident titled "XYZ Affair"
The Alien and Sedition Acts
  • A Naturalization Act lengthened residence requirement for aliens to become citizens
  • 2 Alien Acts authorized detention or deportation of "dangerous" aliens (never enforced)
  • A Sedition Act provided for restrictions on freedom of speech and freedromof press
The Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions
  • in response to the Alien and Sedition Acts
  • proposed that John Locke's "compact theory" should be applied so as to let state bodies to nullify federal laws
  • adopted only in two states so resolutions died


Thomas Jefferson

  1. Secretary of State: James Madison
  2. Secretary of Treasury: Albert Gallatin
Marbury vs. Madison
  • set precident of judicial review
The Louisiana Purchase
  • Jefferson sent a party to France to attempt to buy New Orleans
  • Napoleon offered Jefferson the entire territory of Luoisiana for $15 million instead
  • American delegation accepted
  • Jefferson believed in the strict interpretation of the Constitution so he wasn't sure if this was the right thing to do
  • greatly increased the power of the presidency
Exploration of the West
  • sent Lewis and Clark to explore America's Western Territory to the Pacific
  • Zebulon Pike explored the Louisiana Purchase and mapping it
Essex Junto
  • attempted seccession movement
  • led by Aaron Burr
  • Hamilton led opposition to the campaign
  • when Burr lost he challenged Hamilton to a duel, Hamiton was shot and killed
The Napoleonic Wars
  • War between France and Britain
  • Both wanted to stop between the U.S. and the enemy nation
  • American ships were seized by both sides and American Sailors were "impressed" into British Navy

Chesapeak-Leopard Affair

  • British ship H.M.S. Leopard stopped American ship U.S.S Chesapeake off Chesapeake Bay
  • 4 alleged British deserters were taken off
  • public enraged

Embargo of 1807

  • Jefferson's response to war cry
  • law prohibiting AMerican ships from leaving foreign ports thus avoiding foreign vessels
  • result: economic depression 
  • extremely unpopular
The Barbary Coast War
  • The Barbary Coast Pirates in the Mediterranean requested tribute in return for not attacking the merchant ships of countries
  • Sick of this, Jefferson sent out troops to defeat them
  • Spanish American War
  • "fifty-four forty or fight" (wanted land up to 54 40 parallel)
  • after he took office, however, he back doon territory by negotiating withwn from his demand for all of the Oreg
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