Shays Rebellion
led by Daniel Shays
Shays and a band of Masachusetts farmers rose up and demanded tax and debt relief
escalated when a mob seized the state arsenal in Soringfield
Massachusetts militia marched in and quelled rebellion
scares people like merchants and bankers, need a stronger gov
Bacons Rebellion
in Virginia
Governor of Virginia, Sir William Berkeley, was allowing the planters to have more authority than the poorer people on the fronteir
Have troubles with Indians on the fronteir, but Berkely won't let the fronteirsmen kill them
Nathaniel Bacon and his gang burn down Jamestown
Bacon dies of disentary shortly after the attack
Berkely regains control
Whiskey Rebellion
on fronteir
Farmers were hit hard by the whiskey excise tax that was part of Hamilton's financial plan
farmers violently protested the tax by tarring and feathering tax collectors or destroying public buildings
Washington send in troops to quell the rebellion
the rebels scattered, their leader, however, was caught
Nat Turner Rebellion
mob of black kill thousands of whites
in turn makes people even tougher on slaves
helps South justify slavery
more firmly entrenches each side's view on slavery