Colonial America

  1. Ministers
  2. Men
  3. Boys
  4. Women
  5. Girls
  6. Non-Puritans
Salutory Neglect

Mother country leaves them alone and the colonies are able to develop more independently and freely

  • slaves
West Indies
  • molasses
New England
  • timber
  • fish
  • manufactured goods
  • import=raw material, export=manufactured goods
  • wants imports to be cheaper than exports
  • cash crops such as tobacco, indigo, and rice were America's main source of revenue
  • Sought to return christianity to it's pure, biblical roots
  • "city upon a hill"
  • really great work ethic ("idle hands are the devils work")
  • went to do good, but did well
  • self-governing
Headright system

give out free land so that more people would come

Improvished Aristocrats
  • aristocrats own land
  • increase of trade
  • money replaces land and peasants as wealth
  • land rich, money poor
  • came to New England for Gold
4 Waves of Migration
  1. Puritans
  2. Quakers
  3. Royalists and Indentured Servants
  4. Scotts and Irish
  • believed the power of God resided in the soul of the individual
  • not allowed to have sex
  • were know for the extremely good quality of their work because they believed it was God's work so they always did their best
Triangular Trade
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