It Begins
American troops under Taylor sent into disputed territory between Rio Grande and Nueces River were attacked by Mexican forces
Polk claimed Mexico was the instigator
Congress voted overwhelmingly for war
Mexico: Advantages
fighting on their own soil
larger, momr experianced army
hope of foreign aid
Taylor and Scott
Taylor's army won victories at Monterrey and at Buena Vista, occuping a lot of Northern Mexico
Winfirld Scott's tookVeracruz after a seige
Reasons for War
Mexico is a republic so don't deserve land
We're above them b/c we're a democracy
Manifest Destiny
If we win, we become bigger and stronger and no one messes with us
Mexico is better off with liberty
More territory for slavery
More harbors to go to Asia
Reasons Against War
slavery shouldn't spread
immoral war b/c we started it
Don't want Mexican in our country
Latin America will see us as bullies
we have no right to infringe upon them
"Civil Disobediance" by Thoreau, Lincoln's Spot Resolution, The Wilmont Proviso (never ratified)