Ireland and Britian

Main idea

Northern Irealand and Britian have come to an agrement. The Good Friday agreament helped pull Norther Ireland and Great Britian together. The Queen of England has been invited to Ireland.

The Economist -

The Ireland and British eyes are smilling


The world's most dangerous border

Henry III
  • Henry III first English monarch ,caused trouble in Ireland.
  • Queen Elezabeth II was invited to Ireland.
  • She was the first British monach sence 1921
Her Visit
  • Lots of security
  • Few people saw in person
  • bomb threats from dissident republicans
  • trip celibrated warming relations
  • 1998 good Friday agereament helped draw the curtain for the three dedicates, for conflict in Northern Ireland
  • Irish voters reanounced their claim to the north
Big Loan
  • Last November Britian offered Ireland a 5 billion dallar loan
  • the irish bail out by the European Union and IFM
  • move reflected to britians trading partner 
  • British banks heavely exposed 
  • callapsed property market


A Big Symbol
  • A big step was takin in 2007
  • british anthem was played at the rugby match between England and Ireland
  • Queeens vist marks a formal acnolagement of the relationship


Laying Wreathes
  • the Queen layed out reathes 
  • in memorie of people that died fighting for Northern Ireland
  • she also did that for the irish who fought for them in world war III
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