5-year survival rate between 74â93% and 10-year survival rates between 41â87%
Tumour-related mortality 32%
lymphovascular invasion, epithelioid cell type, and microsatellitosis are correlated with melanoma-related death
0.2 persons per million (1 per 5 million)
0.052 cases per year per 100,000 population
2% of ocular melanomas and fewer than 1% of malignant tumours of the eye
Patients 40-70 years of age
Commonly occurs in the intrapalpebral region near the limbus but may occur anywhere on the bulbar and palpebral conjunctiva as well as in the caruncle
It is seen predominantly in whites, and is rare in those of pigmented ethnicity
Metastatic involving primarily the parotid, preauricular and submandibular lymph nodes, develops in 26 percent of cases with a mortality rate of 13 percent over 10 years
The tumour is well known for local recurrence as well as distant metastasis
10-year estimated risk of regional nodal metastasis of 11% and a 10-year overall metastasis rate of 19%
Aggressive tumor, and recurrence rates may be as high as 51 percent over 10 year
Recurrence occurs due to amelanotic or mixed pigmentation, deep tumour invasion and incomplete surgical excision