A Paradigm Shift Away from Baudrillard's Theory of Hyperreality
Simulacra and Simulacrum
Hubert Dreyfus - Quotes
1. What gives us our sense of being in direct touch with reality is that we can control events in the world and get perceptual feedback concerning what we have done. (53) 2. Perhaps, when this sense of vulnerability is absent, our whole experience is sensed as unreal (54).
As technology has evolved, society has moved away from Baudrillard's paradigm of hyperreality. As opposed to Baudrillard's response to hyperreality, society should instead adopt hyperreality as an alternative method of perception. By taking advantage of the possibilities of Hyperreality, we are capable of furthering communication and understanding between people.
Section 3 Reaction to Hyperreality (Pessimistic)
Section 1 Baudrillard's Paradigm of the Hyperreal
Section 2 Evolution of Paradigm of Hyperreality
1. We don't want to exist in a hyperreal because it separates us from a stable world. When we live in a virtual reality that can no longer sense uncertainty and vulnerability we no longer live in a stable world. 2.
Questions to Consider
1. What happens when the Internet/ hyperreality becomes Ubiquitous 2.Why do we care about the hyperreal? 3. Does Hypperreality make our lives better?
Modern philosophy ought to adopt a more optimistic view on the influence of hyperreality and its potential to bridge communication and understanding between people.
Hyperreality has the potential to enhance quality of life and improve communication rather than leave people resentful of reality and isolated.
Call to Action
We ought to adopt a more optimistic view of hyperreality, straying away from Baudrillard's proposed reaction to the hyperreal. By viewing hyperreality as an environment that can produce beneficial change, we have the potential to improve the future rather than lament the past.
Stanford Research
In Contrast to the Carnegie- Mellon study, which focused on psychological and emotional issues, the Stanford survey is an effort to provide a broad demographic picture of Internet use and its potential impact on society... Mr. Nie [the survey director] asserted that the Internet was creating a broad new wave of social isolation in the United States, raising the specter of an atomized world without human contact or emotion.
J. Mark, "Portrait of a Newer, Lonelier Crowd is Captured in an Internet Survey", The New York Times, February 16, 2000.
Holocaust Museum
Wandering through the museum, we live in a hyperreality where the world the museum emulates is a heightened experience of the Holocaust that most visitors have never known. It however, has the power to move people to tears, to understand the horrors of the past and to learn in a manner which ignorance of the simulacrum cannot achieve. To achieve the level of empathy and understanding, to be able to cry after leaving the museum is something, only a world of hyperreality can achieve.
1. I agree that we live in Baudrillard's world saturated with simulacra and as a result interact inside a hyperreality 2. I disagree with Baudrillard's suggested response to the hyperreal. His solution being ignoring the simulacra or destroying it completely. 3. Instead we ought to shift our paradigm of thought away from a pessimistic view of the effects of hyperreality towards an optimistic and pragmatic method of adapting to this world. Hyperreality is neither bad nor good, but merely a perception of the world that we have the power to take advantage of. 4. In this way, we ought to understand it and ta
Section 4 Reaction to Hyperreality (Optimistic)
Points to Address
1. Audience- philosophers, social theorists 2. Significance- Why is this important to everyone else? 3. Moral implications - Consider on a utilitarian framework? Benefits society through opening up more beneficial opportunities for people?
Optimistic Main Points
1. Method by which we can perceive a new definition of reality