Philosophy of Science is a branch of philosophy concerned with the foundations, methods and implications of science.
Define Science
the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment.
Define Ethics
moral principles that govern a person's or group's behavior.
Hypothesis 1
How confident are we that we can reduce the world into lists of numbers, analyze the numbers and make reliable decisions?
Ethical Dilemmas in Research
Epistimology of Science
Defines the burden of proof, often set in relation to statistical confidence intervals used within the framework of the scientific method
What is Research Ethics?
Topics of interest
1. Do current methods of statistical analysis bias funding in favor of certain areas? 2. Should analysis be diversified to better fit each science or should a universal framework be maintained? 3. Is it possible to measure the value of human life when conducting human experiments?
Evolution of ethical research
Does Science even need ethics?
Justification and Purpose of Science
Hypothesis 2
Can we justify using Science to Understand the world more than the use of Scripture?
1. Defending Science: an Exchange (Lynch and Sokal) 2. Reason for Reason (Lynch)
Questions to consider
How does one determine if something in scientific research is unethical? How has that evolved with time?
Hypothesis 3
Why is important that we consider ethics in the pursuit of scientific research and knowledge?
Research is the examination and questioning of an area of interest. It often involves understanding better or proving something. Good research is thorough, organized, honest and well planned.