Foreign Intervention
So What's the Big Deal?
Northern and Southern Advantages
Major Battles
Northern and Southern Disadvantages
American Civil War
The Issue of Slavery
The South hoped that cotton would be enough to gain British diplomacy...they were wrong
First and Second Battles of Bull Run....Successes for the South early on
Fort Sumner...the first shot fired in the war....started by Cinfederate army
Antietam.....Lee is pushed back by McCllelan...Lincoln is made that Lee's army wasnt eliminated outright
Vicksburg and Gettysburg.....major Union victories....Confederate army suffers major losses...later surrenders at Appomattox Court House
North contains majority of industry and manufacturing
South grows the staple crop of the nation...COTTON!
South has the most experienced generals
North has the population logistics on their side
North had 22 million to the south's 5.5 million people
McCllellan was ready for Lee becuase Lee had dropped a map of his battle plans
The South lacked a Navy and therefore control of the sea
The Noth was not fighting a battle to protect but rather to attack
The South had a high morale becuause they were protecting a way of life
The South lacked the capability to print money and an adequate railroad system
Britiain and France were the two main nations whose intervention would have been game changing
The Emancipation Proclamation was issued by President Lincoln later in the war
It actually freed zero slaves at the time
Lincoln was cautious of proposing the proclamation becuase he didnt want to scare off Northern soldiers
13th Amendment.....Actually abolished slavery
4 million slaves were now free
Confiscation Acts allowed slaves to freely pass North and not have to be returned
Blacks who fought in the war were in segregated units
Britain stayed neutral becuase of two things
1.) They supported abolishionism
2.) The South's loss at Antietam
Britain almost sold powerful ramming ships called Laird Rams to the south but decided against it at the last minute
Had either side recieved foreign aid, the war would have undoubtably swung their way
Morill Tariff Act- raised tariff rates to increase revenue
Homestead Act- promoted great Plains settlement
Morill Land Grant Act- encouraged use of federal land grants to maintain colleges
Pacific Railway Act- Transcontinental railroad
Women now entered the workplace to replace men killed in battle
War cost over 3 billion dollars
North financed its operations using 2.6 dollars worth of federal bonds