World War 1
United States Decision for War
American Neutrality
Germany fired torpedoes and sunk a British passesnger liner, the Lusitania, killing most of is passengers including 128 Americans.
Germany wanted to challenge British power at sea
Held to Washington's tradition of not involving the U.S. in any European war and issued a declaration of U.S. neutrality
Allied Powers: Great Britain, France, and Russia)
Central Powers: Germany, Austria-Hungary, and the Ottoman Empire/Turkey
Organized by a group of business leaders to promote preparedness and to extend direct U.S. aid to the Allies, if needed.
U.S. economy was closely tied to that of the Allied Powers making it difficult to protect U.S. trading rights and maintain neutrality.
Expansion of the armed forces
The Germans recognized the risk of the U.S. entering the war but believed that, by cutting off supplies to the Allies, Germany could win the war before Americans could react.
"The world must be safe for Democracy." -Wilson
Fighting the War
U.S. navy armed escorts for merchant ships to counteract German submarine warfare.
Commanded by General John J. Pershing
At Chateau-Thierry on the Marne River, Americans stopped the German advance and struck back with a successful counterattack at Belleau Wood.
Making Peace
The peace conference following the armistice took place in the Palace of Versailles outside Paris, beginning in January 1919.
America at Home
Devised by Secretary of War Newton D. Baker as a democratic method for ensuring that groups in the population would be called into service.
As men were drafted into the army, the jobs they vacated were often taken by women, thousands of whom entered the workforce for the first time.
The penalty for speaking out against the government's war policy, or the U.S. government in general, was often a stiff prison sentence.
In 1919, Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes concluded that the right to free speech could be limited when it represented a "clear and present danger" to the public safety.
Progressive journalist George Creel took charge of a propaganda agency called the Committe on Public Information