Non-specific Immune cells
1. Monocytes (blood) > macrophages (tissue)
Mediated by bacterial infection > immune system responding with antibodies (unable to go within cells)
- Monocytes detect foreign cell within blood > signal B-lymphocytes (via MHC2) to specifically proliferate with unique receptor to bacterial antigen with T-help cell co-stimulation (T-cell dependant activation) > B cells differentiate into plasma or memory cells > antibody formation
- B-lymphocytes are able to activate/proliferate without the co-stimulation of T-helper cells (T cell independent activation) when LPS, encapsulated microbes, TLR detection,
Mediated by viral infections > involvement of cytotoxic T cells & T helper cells
- Respond to either APC (TLRs, macrophages, dendritic cells, antibodies etc) or Bodily cells (non-APC like skin, hair cells)
- APC cells can present with MHC1 (inflammatory response) or MHC2 (non-inflammatory response)
- MHC1 antigens signal CD8 receptors (on cytotoxic T cells) > cell lysis & destruction
- MHC2 antigens signal CD4 receptors (on T-helper cells) > B-lymphocyte activation/proliferation > plasma & memory cell formation
1. Interfeuron; signal other cells > "warn them" of imminent attack
2. Complement proteins; punch-holes in cells & coat them = more phagocytic (can also mediate inflammatory process)