Features inflammation > hyperbilirubinaemia > jaundice
Aetiological factors; Hepatits A-G, EBV (glandular fever/kissing's disease), yellow fever, leptospirosis
Differentiate previous infection from new by presence of IgG (old infection) or IgM (new infection)
- HAV; presents as a naked-virus (no lipid layer, only a protein coat) = allowing environmental stability, acquired via faecal-oral route, detected with elevated liver enzymes (inflammation), vaccine available
- HBV ('Serum hepatits'); virus causes no inflammation, damage mediated by cytotoxic T cells, can directly cause cancer (HBV > genetic incorporation > cancer), evades the immune system by producing surface antigen particles acting as decoys (empty core) which 'sook' up antibodies, death occurs in chronically infected from cirrhosis or hepatoma, spreads via blood/semen, 95% chance of being life-ling carrier if infected at birth, HBV vaccine available (empty shell = safe)
- HCV; primary spread via intravenous drug users & household spread, no vaccine, presents as a milder disease, likely to progress to chronic infection > liver failure/cirrhosis/hepatoma
- HDV; Requires HBV (shell) to be infectious, highest mortality rate of all Hep viruses (when infected with HBV)