Blood stream Infections
Common aetiologies; dental manipulations, brushing of teeth, urinary catheterisation (plastic), colon exams/surgery > transient bacteraemia
Prognosis; bacteraemia + treatment = resolution, bacteraemia + untreated = possible septicaemia
Localised tissue infection; osteomyelitis, septic arthritis & infectious endocarditis
- Intermittent Bacteraemia; due to irregular shedding into blood > temperature/fever in response to shedding. Aetiologies; undrained abscess, pyelonephritis, ostemyelitis, acute pneumonia
- Continuous Bacteraemia; due to infected intravascular site (E.g. endocarditis, septic thrombophlebitis, infected catheter
Actively growing bacteria in circulation > acute-life threatening disease (E.g. lymphangitis) > Septic shock 
Septic shock presentation; high fever or hypothernia, refractory hypotension and possibly disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC)
Hospital acquired septicaemia; from wounds, catheter administration, ventilator-acquired pneumonia
Community acquired septicaemia; following pneumonia infection, viral/fungal/parasitic infections
Diagnosis; thick & thin blood film
Pathogenesis; Vector > blood > tissue (liver)
Complications; Falciparum parasitaemia = highest level of drug resistance & severe cerebral effects (worst prognosis)
Treatment; First line = chemotherapy (anti-malarials), physical cooling, antipyretics, fluid management. Severe cases = blood transfusions, dialysis (prevents kidney failure), ICU & IV treatment
Infectious Endocarditis
Strep. Pharyngitis > Rheumatic fever > Heart valve deformity (present w/ heart murmur
Aetiology; low virulent organisms, commonly from the mouth
Clincal features; murmur = incomplete valve closure > backflow of blood
Glandular Fever
Aetiology; EBV
Clinical presentation; Sore throat w/ bluish membranous coating, high temperature, atypical lymphocytes, increased titre of antibodies to EBV
- Atypical lymphocytes = open cytoplasm & nucleus
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