Latent Factors
Number of hidden factors (the hidden dimension r in UV decomp)
Produces three matrices:
To map to concept space, given input vector x, compute Vx. 
Lower dimensioned original data matrix is US.
Collaborative Filtering
Two types: Item-item, User-user. Item item: for item i, find other similar items, estimate rating for item i based on ratings for similar items.
Basic Page Rank
At each iteration, given transition matrix M, we keep computing 
v = Mv 
We initialize v to all 1/N's (ie. randomly distribute crawlers)
Dead Ends & Spider Traps
Dead ends = no more exits
Spider traps = all exits go back to itself 
Use teleport sets (can be all nodes, or 'relevant' sets).
v = (1-tp)Mv + tp 
Transition Matrix
Given N nodes, this is an N x N matrix of probabilities (that is,  how likely a crawler is to transition to new node).
Hubs & Authorities
Hubs - links to many authorities
Authorities - is liked to by many hubs 
Hubbiness and Authority of each Page
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