Relevant to structure from motion, pose estimation
- i.e. Given an image pair, which parts of an image corresponds to which part of another image. 
Given two image patches (not images), do they correspond? 
Task Solution
Build a discriminative descriptor
Basically the same CNN is used for both patches (same W) to map to space. 
p1 and p2 are "indexes" representing the keypoint index. I.e. if both points refer to the same point in the 3D object, then they are equal. 

Image Correspondance

Get rid of noisy weight updates.
- Key idea: predict potentially noisy updates. Do not use them.
Basically only backprop on high loss samples. 
Problem solved by paper
Training can be tough. 
Costly, but really helps.
- Different mining ratios, but best is 8. 
- Performance beats 
Rotation Invariant
Beats SIFT, which is not rotation invariant.
Wide baseline matching
Performs well.
Deformation and Illumination
Performs well.
Key Takeaways
- L2 distance for training/testing.
- Generalizes well for tasks 
However, not much better than VGG, computationally expensive, mining during training needs forward prop and not efficient to compute. 
CNN Architecture 
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