Most Carbon on the Planet
Stored in upper latitudes, not in tropical regions. 
- ex. Leaf litter produces thick organic-rich layer in soils typical of temperate forest.
- Soil developed in tropics is much more dry and not very organic
Earth's Biomes
Von Humboldt made key observations between climate


A more detailed regionalization 
A large naturally occurring community of flora and fauna occupying a major habitat.
- Distinctive grouping of organisms well adapted to physical conditions in a major region of the planet
- Biomes are apparent at a global scale
- Biome concept emphasizes similarities among continents and broad ecological drivers
- Dynamic; change over time 
Factors that distinguish biomes
- Global distribution
- Limitations on growth imposed by climate 
- imitations imposed by non-climate related factors (soil type, disturbance) 
- ecological relationships
- plant and animal adaptations
- climax vegetation (vegetation that establishes itself last in the cycle; known as ecological succession) 
Whittaker Biome Diagram Map
California Biomes
Has multiple types of biomes! Because of elevation differences.
- Subtropical desert
- Temperate grassland (ex California's Central Valley; underlain by most fertile soils, optimal for agriculture)
- Mediterranean scrub (ex. SF; misalignment between temp and precip).
- Taiga (ex. Sierra Nevada) 
- Tundra (ex. Sierra Nevada, newest stage in the ecological succession). 
An interacting community of organisms and their physical environment. 
Ecosystem Services
Benefits to humans provided by the natural environment.
Provisioning Services
Products obtained from ecosystems 
- Ex. food, raw material, energy, medicine, minerals, water.
Regulating Services
Benefits obtained from the regulation of ecosystem processes. 
- Ex. carbon, climate regulation, pest/disease control, water purification.
Cultural Services
Nonmaterial and indirect benefits peopl eobtain from ecosystems. 
- Ex. recreation, education/research, historical, spiritual, therapeutic.
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